Thursday, May 9, 2019

"Yo Mama...she be a fine sewer!"

A little "Run MHP"
Okay, what else do you do on a cold rainy day except, sew yourself an awesome hoodie and take rap star pix?! 

It's actually the first day since we've been back that's been relatively normal.  Monday pm we arrived back here and were very grateful to be able to go to sleep in our own bed.  (If only you could travel but sleep in your own bed at night....they can put a man on the moon...).  Both of us fell into a deep sleep only to be awoken by the phone at midnight.

Our youngest, C was not being allowed to get on his flight from Montreal.  Apparently you can't stay more than 90 days in the EU.  Of course, it never occurred to us to check...we're Canadians!! Well the poor guy was very distressed and had to end up buying a new return ticket.  The only saving grace was that the flight was repeatedly delayed so he had minutes to get his ticket.  He remained calm and handled the situation very well, all things considered.  Us?  Not so well.  I stayed awake the whole night feeling shitty for him.  (He had also gotten screwed with return flights at Christmas because of the weather.)  Yikes, I doubt there is nothing now at an airport he can't handle.  Anyway, he arrived safe and sound.  He's chillin' as we speak.

Italy seems so far away.

Our last meal in Gaiole with the gourmet meats that our celebrity host made and an awesome bottle of Prosecco from our trip up north.  The pizza was good too!

Bibione was our destination for the last 2 days of our trip.  Unfortunately the weather didn't cooperate and we were stuck inside the whole time.  Who expects 4 degree weather with wind in May on the Italian coast?  Apparently not me.  Plus the whole town is boarded up because there are no tourists...a very strange place.  So what do you do?  You find the nearest Euro Spar buy some food, eat do interpretive dances when the internet goes down and generally just try to stay warm. 

No internet but FOOD!

And this is how I crossed the Dolomites.  I think I have a fine seat.  Dolly was a bit stiff after all those mountains, but who wouldn't be?  I know, you thought I was just a cyclist.

Aside from preparing for C's arrival, part of the big rush home was that there was a reception for Team Canada at the Official Residence.  All the big names were there, Eddie Shack, Gump Worsley, Stan Mikita even Dave Semenko!  So N and G scrubbed up and hit the gala.  Actually, it was pretty cool.

So kids are here (thank goodness!) and I'm starting to get excited about all our visitors.  I'm up to Nalzovice (say it like you read it...Not!) to supervise  C and her friend C in their various cottage renos.  Mostly I think it's to stop too much day drinking going on! 

I'll post from there!

A shout out to my brother M and all the good people in Calgary who helped him out..God bless.

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