Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Margaret Peters and "The terrible, horrible no good ride".

"Why do I continue to fall for G's assertion that it's only a hill?  No, it's 800m of climbing!!! I am such an idiot.  Normally I'm a pretty good sport but yesterday's slog was soul-destroying!  The first part of the ride should have been an omen, it was a "white road", or what the Italians call a gravel road.  Not a problem I have the tires etc., but the grade was the problem.  So for 1-2kms I had to push my bike (suddenly e-bikes didn't seem so lame afterall!) but the little town (Vertine) at the top was amazing. 

It's a part of "L'Eroica" route which is this crazy bike race through the Tuscan hills where no one can use any bike stuff after 1972.  Apparently over 7,000 nutjobs show up to race.
Church mosaic at Vertine.

That's the problem is all these little towns at the top are amazing!
Volpaia was so worth the ride, the tears (yes I cried at myself for being such a dolt) and the sweat.  We lunched up there and baked in the sun like lizards!

10 minutes later!

Of course the ride down hill is what it is all about, 2.5 hrs to ride up, 50 minutes coming down...sheesh.

Lorenzo's salumis
Once back in Gaiole we found the "bike shed" full of meats curing.  That's probably several thousands of Euros right there and when we added our bikes to the mix the value increased immediately!  Ha ha!

Lemme tellya, it was early to bed last night.  Ciao for now.

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